Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Malaysian Way Of Life

There's a lot to gripe about when we talk about Malaysians and their bad habits but there's much to make us smile.  Packing a bottle of sambal belacan or bring along some cup noodles every time we go overseas, because foreign fare is unbearably bland.  Recognising a fellow Malaysian far away from home when we can hear sentences finishing with a "lah".  Bickering among ourselves but sticking up for each other when outsiders criticise us.  Best of all, laughing at ourselves.  In this land where we've lived freely for 53 years, we can all celebrate our Malaysian-ness, because deep down inside, we're all the same.

by Azuani Anuar

Sunday, 26 June 2011



Tip 1 : Recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work

Signs and symptoms of excessive job and workplace stress:

  • Feeling anxious, irritable or depressed
  • Apathy, loss of interest in work
  • Problems sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Muscle tension or headaches
  • Stomach problems
  • Social withdrawal
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Using alcohol or drugs to cope

Tip 2 : Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself

Get moving
Make food choices that keep you going
Get enough sleep

Tip 3 : Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing

Time management
Task management

Tip 4 : reduce job stress by improving emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence in the workplace has four major components : 

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship management
The five key skills of emotional intelligence :

  • Realize when you're stressed
  • Stay connected to your internal emotional experience
  • Recognize and effectively use the nonverbal cues
  • Develop the capacity to meet challenges with humor
  • Resolve conflict positively

Tip 5 : Reduce job stress by breaking bad habits

Eliminate self-defeating behaviors

  • Resist perfectionism
  • Clean up your act
  • Flip your negative thinking
  • Don't try to control the uncontrollable

 Are you like this?


 like this?

by Ahmad Huzaini

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Simple Things You Can Do to Lose Weight

If you’re like most people, you might have trouble controlling your weight. Or maybe it’s under control, but it won’t go down to where you’d like it to be.

Weight loss, however, doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. A few simple habit changes could make a big difference — over the long term.

Will these changes take you from being 100 pounds overweight to slim and sexy in four weeks? Not at all. These are simple things that are designed to make gradual and sustainable changes.
Create some simple habits, and the weight will come off. Eventually.
This is not a step-by-step guide, and you will probably not want to implement every suggestion. Choose those that would work best for you.

1. Weigh yourself and chart it. Each morning, weigh yourself on a digital scale and log it immediately. Your weight, of course, will fluctuate from day-to-day, and your sense of accomplishment or disappointment shouldn’t hinge on your daily weight. However, your weight can be used as a useful feedback system to see what you’re doing right and to motivate you. I’d recommend using the trend-oriented spreadsheet used in the Hacker’s Diet.

2. Plan your meals. This is probably the No. 1 thing you can do to lose weight. First, use a calorie calculator to estimate how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. Now, if you want to lose a pound a week, you’ll want to cut that total by 500 calories per day to hit that goal (3,500 calories equals a pound of fat). If you want to lose weight slower, you can cut your total daily calories by less. I wouldn’t recommend more than a pound a week (which is about 50 pounds a year).
Now plan each meal so that you fit within the calorie limit for that meal. This might take some time to calculate (try FitDay), but once you have your favorite meals planned, this isn’t too hard. You can have a listing of 400-calorie meals and 200-calorie snacks that are interchangeable. The key, of course, is sticking to the meal plan — don’t let yourself deviate. You’ll get used to it after a few days.

3. Plan healthy snacks. Just as you plan your meals, you should plan your snacks. See the above item on allocating your daily calories to snacks. Instead of just snacking on whatever’s available, or rushing to a vending machine or convenience store when you get really hungry, you should plan to have healthy snacks in between meals. Fruit, veggies, yogurt, dried fruit and similar snacks are all good choices.
Be sure to plan some unhealthy snacks sometimes too. You don’t want to completely deprive yourself — make it a fun thing. Some dark chocolate on one day, some berries on another, and an occasional binge work for me.

4. Find lower-fat alternatives. Take your favorite foods and find lower-fat alternatives. If you love burgers, for example, you can make turkey burgers or soy burgers (there are some good ones, trust me). If you like French fries, make your own and bake them. Bake chicken instead of frying it. Get low-fat milk and yogurt instead of the higher-fat versions. Baked chips instead of greasy ones. While you shouldn’t give up fat completely, and in fact some types of fat are good for you in moderation, it’s important to remember that fat is high in calories (more than twice as calorie-dense as protein or carbs), and lowering your fat intake to a more moderate amount will also lower your calorie intake. Adding fruits and veggies is another good way to lower fat intake, as they take up a lot of space in your stomach without adding too many calories or fat.

5. Eat slowly, and then wait 20 minutes. If you scarf down your meals, you are probably overeating because of it. I know, because I have to slow myself down a lot. The thing is, it takes awhile for our brains to get the message that we’re full. So if we eat quickly, we will actually eat past fullness. You’ve probably had that painful, “I’ve eaten way too much!” feeling, and it’s because of fast eating. The trick is to teach yourself to eat slowly. You’ll get full on less food.
Another trick is to eat a sensible serving (a moderate plate, not stacked up is a good rule of thumb) without eating seconds right away. If you’re still a little hungry, wait for at least 20 minutes before eating any more. Often your hunger will go away.

6. Think long term. You won’t lose weight overnight. Well, you could lose weight quickly, but you don’t want to — it’ll come back just as quickly. What you want is gradual weight loss that stays lost. A pound a week is a good rate — again, that’s 500 calories a day less than you need to maintain your current weight, and it’s about 50 pounds a year. Both are achievable, and both are sustainable. Of course, you’ll need to make adjustments as you go along, in case you’re taking in too little or too many calories, but the main thing is not to try for immediate and quick weight loss, but long-term loss. Don’t worry about the ups and downs every day, but look at trends over weeks and months. It’ll happen, if you stick with it and do it moderately.

7. Stop drinking calories. Calories in soda, coffee, tea, alcohol, juice and other beverages are very sneaky, because you don’t realize how many calories you drink a day. Juice, for example, seems healthy, but really you’re getting none of the fiber of fruit and all of the calories. Eating an orange would give you the same benefits, and make you more full.
Instead, drink water. Lots of it, all day long. Water makes you full, without giving you calories. It’s the perfect weight-loss drink, available at your local tap.

8. Read about weight loss. This might seem like a weird tip, but I’ve found it to be true. If you keep your focus on your goal, you will most likely achieve it. But if you lose focus, you’ll lose motivation, and soon you’ll stop any progress. What you should do is read about weight loss — success stories, tips, etc. — to return you to that focus and motivation. Any time you’re losing motivation, read some articles about weight loss or exercise or eating healthy.

9. Exercise for just 5 minutes. In the grand scheme of things, eating fewer calories is much more effective than trying to burn the calories through exercise. For example, you could burn a few hundred calories with 30 minutes of hard exercise, but you could easily gain those back with a bowl of cereal or some other snack. So if you really want weight loss, you’ll have to focus on what you eat.
However, exercise does help. Burning even 200 calories a day can add up (an extra couple of pounds a month), and you don’t need to exercise too long to do that. And even better, exercise makes you feel good, and feel like you’re getting in shape. It makes you healthier, of course, and will get you toned.
My recommendation is to start with just 5 minutes a day. That won’t get you to 200 calories, but it’s a start, and that’s what’s important. Just do 5 minutes a day for the first week. Any kind of exercise will do — try a few pushups, a few crunches, a few jumping jacks, and a couple minutes of running in place. After a week, increase it by 2 minutes. Do that for a couple of months, and soon you’re doing 20-25 minutes a day. That’s about all you need.

10. Just get through a tough 3 days. If you reduce your caloric intake, as per Item #2 above, you will feel hungry at first. And that’s not easy. Hunger makes us want to give in. But just tell yourself that it’s just for 3 days. After that, it will start to get easier. You’ll get used to it, and it won’t seem like deprivation.

Post written by Leo Babauta.

this is not fat  !   :)

by : Nazeehah 

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Kenapa Mahu Menjadi Doktor?

“Kenapa anda mahu jadi doktor?”, saya melemparkan soalan ini, selepas mempertontonkan kepada pelajar di IMU tadi video dari koleksi Stephen R. Covey.

Pelajar yang hadir tersenyum-senyum.
“Sebab minat biologi?”, saya bertanya.
Ramai yang ketawa. Itu mungkin alasan semasa di Tingkatan 4 dahulu.
“Sebab suka tolong orang?”, saya terus bertanya.
Ramai yang mengangguk.

Well, come on. Ramai yang hantar anak buat perubatan supaya boleh rawat ibu bapa sendiri nanti. Tetapi realitinya, kamu bukan manusia pertama boleh muncul memberikan rawatan jika berlaku apa-apa kepada ibu bapa. Malah ketika di bilik pembedahan dan wad kecemasan, ahli keluarga bukanlah calon terbaik untuk merawat ahli keluarga sendiri. Namanya, profesionalisma”, saya menyambung provokasi.

“Kamu nak tolong suami, isteri dan anak-anak? Rasa saya, suami doktor, isteri doktor dan anak-anak doktorlah yang paling banyak kena berdikari”, saya terus mencucuk jarum.

“Saya selalu beritahu isteri, bahawa apabila awak berjaya jadi specialist nanti, jangan lupa bahawa orang yang paling banyak berkorban ialah tiga orang ini. Anak-anak kita. Merekalah yang berkorban, melepaskan masa yang sepatutnya kita beri kepada mereka, agar kita berjaya”, saya berkongsi cerita.

Saya sengaja mengacah pelajar-pelajar di IMU supaya berfikir bersungguh-sungguh, mengapa mereka memilih bidang perubatan.

Jika anda seorang perempuan yang bakal menjadi doktor, anda perlu tahu bahawa walaupun negara amat terdesak kepada adanya ramai tenaga pakar, anda tidak akan diberikan ‘kemudahan’ untuk menjadi pakar. Anda tidak ada cuti bersalin, seandainya anda ‘termengandung’ semasa sedang membuat program pakar. Anda tidak menerima sebarang elaun untuk membeli buku. Semua kena guna duit sendiri. Kursus dan seminar yang anda hadir, anda mesti membayarnya sendiri. Mungkin anda terpaksa menawarkan diri menjadi AJK agar dapat dikecualikan dari yuran, walaupun anda tahu akibat menjadi AJK itu. Semua orang mahu anda bekerja seperti orang lain, ketika anda terdesak menghadapi peperiksaan. Tiada belas, tiada insentif.

Misalnya isteri saya, kerana 2 minggu cuti yang diperuntukkan untuk kecemasan dan lain-lain, sudah pun digunakan bersalin, lupakanlah kenduri kendara di kampung, lupakanlah ibu bapa, 6 bulan tiada cuti.
Bukan calang-calang kerja.

Anda mahu menjadi pelajar perubatan kerana mahu menolong orang? Tolonglah diri sendiri kerana anda yang amat memerlukan pelbagai pertolongan itu nanti.
“Maka, apa tujuan anda mahu menjadi doktor?”, soalan yang sama saya ulang sekali lagi.
Pelajar-pelajar itu termenung. Sesi soal jawab tiada soalan, kerana semua soalan adalah untuk ditanya kepada diri sendiri, dan diri sendirilah yang perlu menjawabnya.

Kuliah kali ini adalah tentang nilai. Apa nilai yang dibawa dalam sebuah pekerjaan? Dalam sebuah kehidupan.
Jika seorang isteri mengungkit di hadapan suami, bahawa kerja rumahnya, kerjanya ‘melayan suami’, tidak mungkin mampu dibalas walaupun dengan bayaran RM2000 sebulan, maka nilai apakah yang ada pada dirinya? Saya tidak bermaksud membela lelaki yang tidak tahu menghargai isterinya, tetapi dalam kes ini, si perempuan itu sudah menjatuhkan dirinya.

Hanya ‘bibik’ sahaja yang buat kerja rumah untuk duit. Maafkan saya, hanya pelacur sahaja yang meletakkan harga pada layanannya terhadap seorang lelaki.
Seorang ibu membuat kerja rumah kerana NILAI KASIH SAYANG. Seorang isteri juga melakukan apa yang ia lakukan atas NILAI KASIH SAYANG. Maka tanpa kasih sayang, perkahwinan adalah beban. Malah sumber kebencian.

Menentukan nilai, sebagai pendorong kita melakukan sesuatu adalah sangat penting. Nilai itu akan mencorakkan tingkah laku kita terhadap pekerjaan yang kita lakukan.

Kalau pekerjaan diukur dengan nilai wang, maka kita akan berhadapan dengan banyak masalah, walaupun wang berjaya diperolehi.

Sekarang ni sudah menjadi satu trend kepada dua industri, kalau boleh saya katakan industri. Yang pertamanya adalah industri perubatan, dan yang keduanya, industri berkaitan petroleum. Trend yang saya maksudkan di sini, adalah perpisahan di antara seorang suami atau isteri dengan pasangannya, serta anak-anak, kerana prospek kerjaya dan desakan nilai wang itu tadi.

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan, pasangan yang sudah berumahtangga, berpisah sementara (bukan calang-calang sementara) demi melepaskan isteri yang bekerja sebagai jururawat di luar negara, khususnya di negara Teluk. Begitu juga dengan mereka yang terbabit dengan industri petroleum, bekerja di negara Teluk dan Afrika, menyahut saranan majikan untuk meningkatkan kerjaya dan pendapatan dengan berhijrah ke negara yang menagih kepakaran kita. Ia hebat, menggiurkan… tetapi output daripadanya merunsingkan saya.
Itu, belum lagi dikorek kisah suami di Johor, isteri di Pulau Pinang atau Kuala Lumpur.
Trend ini berlaku dan merebak di dalam masyarakat, dan saya ditakdirkan Allah bertemu dengan outputnya. Saya bertemu dengan anak-anak remaja, yang ayah mereka pulang ke Malaysia 4 kali setahun. Saya bertemu dengan kes, suami main kayu tiga ketika isteri meninggalkannya gersang setahun di tanah air. Saya juga bertemu dengan kes isteri yang mem’poligami’kan suaminya dengan bersuamikan orang lain semasa di perantauan. Dan kes-kes ini membiak dari semasa ke semasa. Tidak pernah menjadi tajuk berita.

Tentu sahaja, hasil kewangan dari kenaikan pangkat dengan bekerja jauh dari pasangan dan anak-anak, boleh mengubah nasib keluarga. Tetapi perubahan itu apakah ke arah positif atau negatif? Maka yang dikejar dalam sebuah rumah tangga dan perkahwinan, apakah boleh disandarkan pada nilai material?

Nilai berkadar terus dengan harga. Tinggi nilai, tinggilah harga. Tinggi harga, banyaklah korban dan pengorbanan yang diperlukan bagi mendapatkannya. Untuk bekerja dengan gaji RM10,000 sebulan, apakah harga yang perlu dibayar untuk nilai material RM10K itu? Kehancuran rumah tangga, kepincangan emosi dan identiti anak-anak, dosa… itulah harga yang mungkin perlu dibayar untuk nilai material yang dijadikan asas bekerja.
Anak-anak yang mewah dengan nilai material ini, gersang dan menderita pada nilai kasih sayang dan perhatian ibu bapanya. Sering saya ulang, ‘mereka adalah generasi yang kesunyian’.
Jangan terkejut, dengan hanya 3 hari perkenalan, seorang remaja boleh menjadi mangsa lelaki yang berniat jahat. Mengapa begitu mudah? Lelaki itu memberi sesuatu yang tiada diperolehi remaja tersebut di dalam keluarganya iaitu KASIH SAYANG dan PERHATIAN.
Malam ini saya mahu pelajar-pelajar yang hadir ke kuliah ini, melatih diri mereka dengan tabiat ‘Begin With the End in Mind‘. Lihatlah apa yang menanti di hujung perjalanan mereka sebagai seorang doktor perubatan.

Maka, semenjak mereka di bangku pengajian, soal nilai yang ingin dibawa pada kerjaya di masa hadapan, mesti ditentukan.
Anda boleh mengambil sikap tidak mengendahkan hal ini, bekerjalah selagi mampu, kejarlah habuan material yang dikejar selama ini, tetapi anda perlu meneliti harga yang perlu dibayar. Perhatikan di mana korbannya? Harga dan korban itu mungkin rumah tangga, mungkin pesakit, dan yang paling besar, mungkin sistem itu sendiri.
Hati saya amat terhiris, mendengar kawan-kawan saya dan isteri, mengeluh tentang satu demi satu penceraian yang menimpa pasangan doktor. Sama ada kedua-dua suami dan isteri itu doktor, atau salah seorang daripada mereka.

Atas provokasi inilah, saya mengajak adik-adik di bangku pengajian perubatan, untuk menyemak hubung kait bidang ini dengan Tujuan Hidup mereka. Kenang kembali siapa mereka di alam ini? Kenal diri, dan kenallah Ilahi.
Kita sebagai hamba Allah, menjaga tali kita dengan Dia yang disembah. Yang diabdikan diri kepada-Nya. Ia hablun minaLlah.

Kita sebagai khalifah, menjaga tali kita dengan manusia ciptaan-Nya, kerana kita ditugaskan menjadi saluran kebaikan-Nya ke alam ini. Ia hablun minannaas.

Buat baik kepada sesama manusia, boleh dengan sedekah, boleh dengan memimpin tangan si buta di pinggir jalan. Namun sedekah hanya sekali sekala, orang buta bukan setiap hari kita jumpa. Jalan kebaikan yang paling utama, adalah pada menjadikan kerja sebagai ibadah. Memberi kebaikan kepada manusia, melalui pekerjaan yang dikurniakan Allah kepada kita.

Jika kerja jadi ibadah, Allah adalah ‘CEO’ kita. The unsung hero beroleh quwwah, untuk terus membuat kebaikan, biar sekecil mana pun di mata insan.

Jika kerja jadi ibadah, ia jalan Taqarrub kepada Allah. Tidak tergamak menghambur dosa, kerja dibuat sebaik yang upaya.

Jika kerja jadi ibadah, biar sempit jalan KEPERLUAN, asalkan luas perjalanan mencapai TUJUAN.
Ubah paradigma, betulkan nilai pada kerja.

Teruskan cita-cita kalian menjadi doktor. Ia cara terbesar, kamu zahirkan syukur kepada-Nya.
Kita hamba-Nya, kita Khalifah-Nya.

 Petikan dari : ABU SAIF @ www.saifulislam.com

"Erti Hidup Pada Memberi"

by : Muhammad Anwar

Dare To Be Different

Many people are trapped in mediocrity. I believe one of the reason is people do not dare to be different and the fact if you want to be the "above average" you must be different.

God knew what he was doing when He made you. God created you the way you are! It is time we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are.

You should ask yourself with some specific question :-

1- Do you have a dream?

2- Are you doing what you want or what you should?

3-Do you worry more about being loved than being what you love?

4- Do you choose what is safe rather than what is right?

You need courage to be different and follow your heart.

Do you have it?

Life is too precious to be lived in mediocrity.

by : Ahmad Huzaini

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Friends Programme

 Those who wants to follow this blog, must answer these questions first.

1. Names of 10 Angels that you must know.

2. Names of 5 Ulul-Amri.

3. Name the CEO of QAS Medical.

5 Cara Kekal Sihat

Antaranya ialah:

1.Amalkan 2 liter air setiap hari.

2.Amalkan makan pada waktunya.

3.Amalkan renggangan otot (stretching) .

4.Amalkan cukup tidur malam hari.

5.Amalkan sebiji epal setiap hari dan tawakal.

Sifat Seorang Beriman

1.Khusyuk dalam solat

2.Elak dari perbuatan yang sia-sia

3.Elak dari perkataan yang sia-sia

4.Menunaikan zakat

5.Menjaga kemaluannya

6.Menunaikan janji

7.Memikul amanah

8.Memelihara solat

Mereka mewarisi syurga Firdaus

About Us...

QAS Management (M) Sdn Bhd (257536-W) was established in February 1993. With more than 15 years of experience, QAS has successfully placed qualified students in some of the leading medical universities in Egypt and Indonesia.

Founded by
Ms Norizah Ali, an accountant by experience and a caring mother of 5 children, she has brought QAS to become a premium student placement organization with QAS total services ranging from career counseling, pre-departure, language & cultural courses to travelling and accommodation arrangement.

QAS is supported by a team of professional, caring and dedicated advisors & staff both in Malaysia and the host country.

QAS has since partner with some of the leading medical universities such as Alexandria, Cairo, Ains Shams,Mansoura & Tanta University (All in Egypt) and Gadjah Mada, Padjadjaran, Brawijaya and Airlangga University (All in Indonesia).


Tan Sri Datin Paduka Seri Hajah Zaleha Ismail

En.Zaini Idris
Chief Executive Officer

Puan Norizah Hj.Ali
Finance Director

Cik Nazeehah Zaini
Marketing Manager